Sistema Visceral

Sistema Visceral

Sistema visceral

Como nombramos en la página principal en el apartado de osteopatía: “la estructura gobierna la función”, por lo tanto, toda problemática en nuestro sistema visceral (hígado, riñón, estómago, etc.) conllevará a que este se refleje en cualquier otro lado inervado por el mismo nervio que da señal a esta víscera o por su conexión directa con las fascias. Por ejemplo, una inflamación intestinal, repercutirá en nuestras lumbares, por conexión directa con ellas a partir de la fascia o en nuestra zona torácica baja por la inervación que recibe estas vísceras del intestino delgado.
Aesthetic & ReconstructiveOur surgical practice covers both sides of the popular surgery services: an aesthetically purposed, plastic surgery and the health-bound, reconstructive surgery after accidents or injuries... The Healtro private surgical clinic will help you solve either of these issues in a professional, fast and cost-efficient way!
Faster RecoveryJust as much as we value your health to be treated accordingly, your money to be spent wisely and your surgery to be performed professionally, we also value your time. With our own set of advanced methods and a seasoned team of therapists, your recovery process will take as little time, as possible!
Team & ExpertiseJust as much as we value your health to be treated accordingly, your money to be spent wisely and your surgery to be performed professionally, we also value your time. With our own set of advanced methods and a seasoned team of therapists, your recovery process will take as little time, as possible!

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Whichever specific health issue you're currently facing, we'll be more than glad to give you a pre-appointment, free consultation on it!